Aubrey Masters
Communications Director
Aubrey has gained a heart and calling to the city of Lake Elsinore through her involvement in the Dream Center and working with the community here. With a heart to see others find and experience fullness in Christ, she is excited to help those who feel poor and powerless in the area step into the futures and dreams they were made for!
Aubrey has a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Azusa Pacific University and is a licensed life coach and an ordained elder with the Free Methodist denomination to which the Dream Center LE belongs.
Her ministry experience includes working with youth, discipleship, urban non-profits, special needs and recovery ministries. Aubrey loves relational and administrative work and comes alive when she gets to dreaming & casting vision!
Aubrey married Brett in Dec 2016 and gained two wonderful sons, Dylan & Trevor along with her wonderful husband! Since then, Brett and Aubrey have had two more children: Madeline & Wesley.